Adult Classes – Summer 2015

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. No matter where you are in your Journey of Faith, we have a
class that will encourage you, help you grow, and connect with others of like faith.
Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change Us from the Inside Out (slightly imperfect)  -     By: Joanna Weaver


For Women: 
Having a Mary Spirit: Allowing God to Change Us From the Inside Out
Transformation. We want it. We know we need it. But how do we access the new life Jesus came to bring? Filled with spiritual insights and modern-day applications, this series points you to God’s love, His grace and His power to transform your soul.  Join us as we view the DVD lesson together and then discuss what we’ve learned from the DVD and the companion book. 
MEN! Did you ever wonder what God’s perspective is on your “anger” problem? We are going to study a variety of topics selected by you on how God sees these issues. Come join us beginning July 5th in the Upper Room at 9am.